

Monday 17 September 2012

Run, Fun on a Sun

I'm sorely lacking in motivation when it comes to exercising. I'm quite successful at convincing myself that I do not need additional exercise since I'm running after the kids all day long. But I think I'm consuming calories faster than I'm burning them so I've been deliberating about a good workout. Yes, the word here is deliberating and no, I've not acted on it. Until yesterday ...

I finally got off my butt and had a thoroughly enjoyable workout - good, old Captain's Ball. I loved it when I was a student and I'm still loving it. I'm proud to say that I held my own against a bunch of friends in their 20s (I'm a decade older than some of them)! Well, I did scrape my knee but it was due to the competitive streak in me. In the words of my hubby, "It's only a game. Why so serious?" Which I replied in jest,"I love to win. Can't you tell from our arguments!"

The kids were with us at the game and had their own share of fun throwing, catching and chasing after the ball. Baby C was chirpy, singing to herself (happens when's she in a very good mood) on the way back and E asked when we'll play ball again when we reached home that very night. I'm on a high (probably from all that adrenaline) and have a new found motivation for doing sports with the family. 

It's important to find the right fit when it comes to choosing the type of exercise. I have a disdain for gyms. I had a gym membership many years back and was motivated initially (because of the cash outlay). I terminated it in the end because after the motivation waned, I used the membership mostly to borrow DVDs and chill out at the lounge!

I've since figured I'm a team sports kind of person. It is so much more fun having a friendly competition.  And the fun extends to the post exercise chill out. I still think I'm consuming calories faster than I'm burning them. That's because we indulged in ice-cream immediately after the game!

Taking a break from all that running. And that's me trying to blend in with the young crowd :)

Baby C is delighted each time she gets to hold the ball

Private lessons

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  1. Oh I need motivation too!! Recently I got myself back on the threadmill but it's such an uphill battle! Haha jiayou u r not alone! :)

    1. You can motivate yourself with a yummy treat after you exercise. Just like what I did haha! Let's jia you together!

  2. Looked like you had a fun and heart pumping workout session there. I agree that working out is so much more fun when there's a bit of a competition and ice cream at the end of it all as a treat.

    1. Yeah more fun than having someone glare at me when I slow down while jogging ;)

  3. Haha, I tell myself the same thing too! That running after 2 kids is enough...but sadly no, hubby has been pulling me out of my reverie and go for runs together, after which we pig out at an italian pizza joint nearby. LOL...Talk about motivation! :D

    1. Now how about nibbling on salad instead of devouring pasta after your run :) Yeah, I know it's hard. You'll be ravenous after all that exercise!

  4. Yay! Exercising with kids is the best way to keep fit! Way to go, mum!


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