

Monday 31 October 2011

Almost One

It sure takes lots of discipline to blog consistently. The motivation is waning and I have been blogging for a grand total of 3 months. Only! 

I'm more of a daydreamer. I love to reflect, fantasize, brood (bad trait which I'm indulging in less ... makes me a more pleasant person to live with, right hubs :). And I absolutely enjoy having a conversation with myself. Out loud. Always in the confines of private abode and never in public domain. It is a great way to clarify my thoughts. I seldom pen down my thoughts. It takes away the romanticism of daydreaming. Ok. Maybe, it's just an excuse for sheer laziness.

No, I'm not about to abandon this blog. I already have 2 spurned ones in my blogging history. I do not want to be known as a serial blog hopper. Less procrastination, more discipline. Let me begin.

I should write more about Baby C as she is past growing in spurts and moving on to leaps and bounds (at least to proud mama here who gets irrationally high with every little milestone). I'm no record keeper (I did say I don't pen down much of anything) so no exact dates here.

Baby C was standing on her own (a record time of a split second before plonking her butt on the ground) about a week before we left for South Africa. I thought it'll be great if she started walking there. Well, the chances of her learning to walk in South Africa were pretty slim as she was being carried most of the time by plenty of enthusiastic people.

A week after we returned, she started practicing her new found skill with a vengeance. She would get into a squatting position and proceed to stand. Within days, she was standing firm. She took her first few tentative steps two weeks ago. I naively thought she'll be stomping around really soon but the little gal has decided that walking is a highly dangerous activity. Crawling was tried and tested, without the bumps that come with losing your balance. So she's still cruising and crawling until she gains enough confidence to try again.

And that's the difference between boys and girls (or different temperaments ... we did pray for Baby C to have a personality complementary to E's). The time taken for E to progress from wobbly first steps to walking like a pro was a couple of days to a week. He didn't bother much about falling. He was delighted at being able to move from one place to another at a more efficient speed. Risk taker? Or simply the impulsive nature of boys? Girls are supposedly more cautious and think about consequences before they act.

Other milestones include saying mama or mum mum. I don't think she is calling me. It's her way of saying booby time (whether for sustenance or comfort or when she's plain bored). And she's also into imitating people. Like violent shaking of her head followed by peals of laughter (thanks jie jie mei nu for this extremely attractive skill), placing her hand to her ear when we say hello (imitating us using the phone) and when we unknowingly make "ugly "expressions, she picks it up. She waves bye, claps her hands, clasps her hands to gesture gong xi gong xi, loves to make wa wa wa sounds by placing her hands to her mouth and "talks" to herself whilst playing with her toys.

She's turning one in December. I'm looking forward to having so much fun with my baby girl as she continues to learn new stuff. But I know I'll miss the baby days as she grows into a toddler. It almost makes me feel like having another baby. Thankfully, I am a girl and wired to think of the consequences before I act. So no impulsive acts for me. Recreation, yes. Procreation, NO!   

The first time she stood longer than a split second

Trying to  use her walker as a stool to escape from her "cage"

Guilty as charged


  1. Don't feel stressed about how often you blog, after all it's YOUR blog, you decide what's comfortable :) I think it's great to write down your children's growing up and look back on them as they grow older :) (I find that I tend to forget about it real fast!) Happy blogging! :)

  2. Time flies and she's turning one... Let's celebrate when she turns one...

  3. Hmm, she actually looks pretty sturdy, Joce. Enjoy these moments. They pass too soon!... Oh yes, no more impulsive acts from me either. Keep blogging, sista ;)

  4. Hi Ruth, I guess happy blogging is the key to sustained blogging! So yeah I shouldn't give myself any stress.

    But I know I need to make a conscious effort to blog. Sometimes, I have all these things I want to write but I never get down to it.

  5. Gerald: Time really flies! It feels like not too long ago when you guys made frequent visits to our place when C was a newborn :)

  6. June: Haha! Impulsive acts have consequences. I told hubby that having a third kid will rock the balance since we already have a boy and a girl. And then we might end up having four just to balance it again :)

  7. I have that "cage" too! hehe... to confine my 19mth old daughter while I go do other things in the house... :)

  8. I've been neglecting my blog too! Haha.

    And my baby girl is turning one this december too! Hers is 6th dec. :)

  9. Hi Sarah, thanks for dropping by. Yeah, the "cage" is really useful. But my baby gal is slowly figuring out that it is more fun on the outside!

  10. Ing: Hey, our baby girls are less than a week apart in age :) Hers is 11th Dec.


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