

Friday, 13 January 2012

New School Enthusiasts

E started the new year in a new school. He was looking forward to it. I was too. Though my enthusiasm wasn't exactly fueled by noble reasons. We had the following conversations about school in the first week.

Conversation 1 (On the first day of school)

ME: You are going to school today. The NEW school.

E: I know why you want me to go to school. So you can do your own things.

Ahem. Was it that obvious? I was secretly counting down the days to the new school term. I wasn't used to having him with me the whole day for an extended period. He has been attending a childcare centre since he was three. Well, there was a 9 months stint at home when he was entering the terrible twos and needless to say; was a physically and emotionally exhausting time. It was first time SAHM meets Tantrum Throwing Spitfire. A rude culture shock.

But it was rewarding despite the challenges and a very precious time in our journey together as mother and son. A time I learned much about myself and also really got to know my spunky kid.

Fast forward three years later, it is yet another opportune time to connect with E on a deeper level. I've had the luxury of devoting myself fully to caring for Baby C the past year since E was in full day childcare. I felt like I wasn't spending enough time with E and the decision was made to enrol him in a kindergarten in 2012.

He has been home with me since December and let's just say the emotions involved were reminiscent of the terrible twos days. It is definitely more manageable than before. We are both older and more temperate (just a little more mellow and a little less fiery). That helps I guess. 

The thing is we are both so similar. I think the main cause of conflict is our ability to feel emotions intensely and our need to be in control thus leading to countless power struggles and emotional outbursts. Some experts give advice about choosing our battles wisely when it comes to dealing with strong-willed children. I find it hard to follow that piece of advice and seem to declare war ever so often. I'm anal and adamant about even inconsequential things since I have this strong need to be in control and have things done my way.

And we ever did the crying in each other's arms scene after a major showdown. How's that for drama? 

So I'm glad for the respite from our intense interaction when the new year began. E spends 4 hours in school in the afternoon and Baby C naps during that time. Great for indulging in a bit of me time!

Conversation 2
ME: Hurry. You are going to be late for school.

E: Which school?

ME: Huh? The new school of course. You won't be going back to your old school.

E: Oh. So when the new school becomes old, can I go to another new school?

ME: ???

Should I be glad that I need not worry about his ability to adapt to new environments or should I be concerned about his need for novelty?

Baby C is enjoying the walks to and from E's school
Having fun at the playground after school
One of the bonuses of having E in a kindergarten instead of being in full day childcare is that the siblings get to spend more time with each other. For that, I'm truly grateful. It is immensely heartwarming to see them enjoy each other.


  1. I like the crying in each other's arms after a major showdown. What a scene!!!


  2. Hope E likes his new sch and that his teachers are treating him nicer. Mummies all need their time out from time to time. Keeps us sane and remember we are not only just a mom.

  3. i love your dramatized writings!! I love your kids and I can imagine the joy of watching them enjoy and play with each other - sweet!

  4. Your hubby is the balance for the power struggles. Hehehehe.


  5. LOL, yeah the daily 4-hr break is a new concept for me, am loving it too!

  6. Gerald: He doesn't always provide the balance. Sometimes he adds fuel to the fire ;)

    Emma: Yeah! It brings so much joy until they start snatching toys from each other. Well, it comes in a package!

    Susan: He seems to be enjoying the shorter hours in school but we are both not enjoying the dreaded weekly spelling :(

    E:I look forward to that "sacred" time slot every day :)


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