

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Out With The Old, In With The New

I've been inspired by the blog makeovers happening around me. I was contemplating a makeover but the technomoron in me cringed at the thought of being bombarded by all the technical blah blah blah.

Makeover plans were on hold but I sprung into action when I saw this DIY guide on Susan's blog. Looks easy! I was crazy enough to stay up till 4am last night to get it up. It is actually quite a no-brainer but I have an affinity with technical glitches so that explains the late night. 

I was going to catch up on sleep this afternoon while Baby C had her nap but I couldn't resist the lure of the blog. I had to add the finishing touches. There is just something strangely addictive about making your own personal space look good.

So here it is. No big deal to many but it's an achievement to me (since I'm clueless when it comes to stuff like that). I love colours hence the vibrant background. As the name of this blog suggests, I hope the spirit of adventure is reflected in the blog design. 

And amazingly, I'm not too exhausted despite being sleep-deprived. I think I'm surviving on the adrenaline rush of completing a DIY project!
Tools I used:

1) Colour Lovers (for the background)
2) Picnik (for the banner)

Note: The bad news. Picnik will close on 19th April. The good news. The premium features on the site is now available for free to all users. You still have a few weeks left to explore all that Picnik has to offer.


  1. Have you tried picmonkey? In my opinion, it's much more user friendly than picnik is / was.

    And I love your colour choice! Well done. I can so identify with the sense of accomplishment that comes from making our own space look good.

    That extends to others' requirements for me... that's why I love my job! :D

  2. Oooh, nice new look and very cool retro backdrop!

    Tech stuff gets me in a bad mood too; I like to muck around with the code--just to shift things around or change a few minor things--without creating a backup file. Most times I figure I'm doing such simple things anyway that it shouldn't matter! But sometimes it does...

  3. I like your new look Joce! Full of energy! No wonder you were kept going till 4am! :P

  4. Lovely background! I like the new look with the photos of your kids. Yeah, I think the tech code bit is always the toughest, I do a lot of trial and error usually.

  5. Thanks everyone for your compliments :)

    Regina: It did occur to me that Picnik was not that user-friendly but I thought it was due to me the user. Thanks for the ti, I'll check out picmonkey.

    Evelyn: Hey your lovely vintage home decor had a part to play in inspiring me to go for the retro backdrop :)

  6. June: Haha, energy is what I badly need throughout the day. Maybe looking at my "energetic" blog will help ...

    Rachel: The photos of the kids does make it more personal doesn't it ... but I had a hard time to choosing from so many favourite shots!

  7. Good job there Joce. Feels totally worth it right?
    Which remind me, I still got to get my new header for my blog up.


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