

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Farewell to the hols ... soon!

We are almost there. The end of the school holidays. And can I honestly say I'm delighted! I miss my sacred afternoon hours of doing whatever I please when E is in school and Baby C is asleep. The holiday blues hit me early. I was displaying the symptoms. Moody and irritable with a short fuse.

Being out of the house does ease the symptoms. Unfortunately, I'm no sprightly 20 year old. After the first few days of zealous exploration, hunting down kid-friendly venues and activities (2 kids with me in tow), I was in dire need of a good massage and a soak in a hot tub. Now, that is of course an elusive dream. No chance of a real holiday for me during this school hols :(

The later part of the second week saw E and Baby C having high grade fevers of above 39 degrees so we were pretty much stuck at home until today. We were out and about finally, after what seemed like a painfully long time. 

So I'm thankful. Thankful that the holidays are coming to an end. Thankful that the kids were active and had an appetite despite the high fever. Thankful I didn't catch the bug! Thankful for the prayers of friends. Thankful for a loving God who answers prayers, my God who encourages and strengthens me when I'm feeling low. Thankful for heartwarming, laughter-inducing moments spent with the kids and thankful also for grace during the those times when I'm not exactly feeling the love.

Lest you think I morph into a teeth gnashing, hair pulling grump who rain on my kids' parade during the hols, here's some evidence of them actually having fun!

The Neighbourhood

The Arts

The Great Outdoors


  1. Yes! We're already three-quarters of our way through the hols! Makes me a little sad, but relieved too. You seemed to have done sooooo much with your kids despite the time lost to the sickies. Enjoy the rest of the hols with them!

    1. Relieved is the word! Fresh zeal to enjoy the rest of the hols cos there's only one week more to go :)

  2. You do look having lots of fun! (despite the fevers, it must be the weather!)

    Coincidentally, I was talking about school holiday. Well, more like thanking those tangibles and intangibles keeping the little ones busy. Same same but different?! ;p

    On the other hand, I do look forward to school re-opening!

    1. It was a mix of fun and not so fun moments. Well, it comes in a package!

      And it was nice chatting with you while the kids played ping pong :)

  3. The pix of your boy and girl on the bicycle is soo sweet! It's so nice to have an older brother who takes care of his sister isnt it haha =)

  4. Yeah, I've always wanted an older bro so I'm glad to experience it through my kids haha


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