

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Lure of The Kitty

I have always associated Hello Kitty with long queues and McDonalds. It's a challenge to feel for something so commercialized, much less have a love affair with her.

I am not a fan and never imagined ever being one. 

Never say never ....

The Kitty found her way into my home. Socks, underwear (not mine of course), and gifts of various kinds, all bearing the beloved image.

I did not invite her on my own accord. These were hand me downs and presents from well-meaning friends and family who think that every girl must love the Kitty.

Okay, I confess.

I did buy Baby C one Hello Kitty item but there wasn't much of a choice. I needed to get her a cup and there were two choices at the shop - Melody or Hello Kitty. 

Baby C made her own choice and I'm sure you know which one she chose.

Slowly but surely, the beloved cat made her way into my heart. Baby C quickened the entire conversion process by calling out ever so endearingly, "Kitty," whenever she sees her.

I'm not a hard-core fan for sure but in a strange sort of way, my heart feels a little warmed whenever I see her and it makes me want to reach out and hold her.

This sounds a little freaky to me. This new found affection is not something I am completely comfortable with as yet.

So Hello Kitty fans out there, please tell me I am not going crazy!

The cup that started it all

Happy Meal Ice-Skating Kitty

Pretty birthday shoes 

new button


  1. You are not crazy.. In fact I think all mummies of girls have a soft spot for Hello kitty. I was like so tempted to buy a hello kitty handbag at Tangs yesterday but really stopped myself when I saw the $500 price tag on it. We have a whole range of hello kitty items from cutlery to toothbrush, bags etc for the girl.

  2. Definitely not crazy! I'm a HK fan and probably influenced my daughter.. or at least tried to influence her haha. She's still not as crazy as I am over HK but we shall see ;p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

  3. I certainly don't know how and what the world would look like without Hello Kitty .. :-)


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