

Saturday 2 February 2013

Me Minus You Equals Blue

Now for the weepie love story I promised.

The strange thing about C was that she didn't do much crying in school. She reserved that just for me. That's how much she loves me.

She didn't cry on the first day of school. I think it was only on Day 3 or 4 that reality sank in and she cried for a minute or so. It was loud and dramatic but it was over the moment I was out of her sight. The teachers were used to persistent criers so C was a breath of fresh air and they said she's such a dear.

Fast forward to the end of the day and the amiable C turns hostile. I picked her up from school and she was full of demands. She wanted to take a picture with the murals on the wall outside her classroom. I'm fine with taking photos but what she wanted was to take a shot with every single animal on that wall. By that, I do not mean a single shot that captures all the animals but one shot with each animal. Needless to say, that will take a long time. And I still have to pick E up from his school.

I obliged her with a few shots but that did not appease her. So the dearie that the teachers cooed over in the morning, plonked her butt firmly on the ground that evening and cries.

This time, the crying most definitely lasted for more than a minute. 

That was Week 1. The subsequent weeks followed a similar pattern revolving around different demands. If it's not the murals, it's the fish pond or just simply wanting to sit down on the steps and refusing to budge. So she has been carried off to the car bawling on most days.

Back home, we are inseparable. 

"Hold hands, mummy."

"I want mummy to carry me." (and when the hubby offers her his strong arms) Noooooo! Don't want daddy, mummmeeeeee!!!"

"Bathe me."

"Sit down with me."

"Feed me."

The list of demands goes on.

Withdrawal symptoms. I think it'll take her a while to get used to not having mummy by her side 24/7. After all, I have been with her from dawn till dusk since the day she was born. 

But she's doing fine in school. Eating and sleeping well and enjoying the activities. Though if you ask her if she likes school, her answer is,"I don't like. I want mummy."

Or maybe it's just her age. The terrorific twos. The rite of passage for all parents.

 I'm ready. Bring it on!

Posing with the animals outside her classroom


  1. I'm sorry but her request to take "one shot with each animal" cracks me up! :p Seems like a real test of your patience. :)

    I guess it's a big transition for her, as it is with most children her age. Hopefully she will settle down very soon.

    I'm definitely not looking forward to my girl starting school next year...

    1. Haha, she has a mind of her own and I'm still wondering why she can't just take a photo with all the animals included?? Trying to be fair to each animal?

      I'm trying to be really patient with her cos I know it's not easy for her to be away from me when she's been used to having me around almost all the time.

  2. Awww.. But you are so right about it being a rite of passage for parents. What worked for my E when he was younger was the book The Kissing Hand, maybe you can try that?

    1. My mantra during this rite of passage is, "It's just a phase, it'll pass."

      Thanks for the suggestion, I'll go check out the book :)

  3. Oh dear, this sounds so familiar. I had those inseparable moment when she recognised i am her entire universal (But the thing is, she was already with the babysitter since 4 months). It took me awhile to be accept her way of expressing her self.

    Anyway, you sound so ready for this. I hope this phase ends sooner than you think.

    1. I think I'm a bit more prepared since she's #2 :) And I think her brother wins hands down in throwing tantrums. He is a strong-willed child so it was really really tough when he was younger. She is a lot milder in comparison!


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